When will courses be offered? Class times for each course are generally offered on Thursdays from 7:00-9:00 pm weekly.
Who can benefit from this course? Every follower of Christ.
What costs are involved? Each course will require the purchase of the manual ($20) per course.
What does Continuing Education hope to accomplish? Continuing Education will work to provide a local pastor or church leader… with the basic knowledge and skills which are necessary to effectively carry out their biblical responsibilities.
How will you cover the material with little class time? Prior reading and preparation will be required. Class time will be dedicated to the review of the course manual and the discussion of major points.
How do I sign up for courses? Contact the Associational Office a minimum of fifteen (15) days before the scheduled class meeting.
What about the course manual? When you call, you will receive information concerning the course manual. It will be your responsibility to purchase the course manual.
When do I pay for the course? When the manual for the course is purchased in advance or at the first class session.

Youmans Chapel
Thursdays @ 7pm